
Complete equipment of high strength PET spunbond substrate fabric production line

Complete equipment of high strength PET spunbond substrate fabric production line

PET spunbond needling production line

Product Parameters

Product Introduction

The Whole plate slot drawing PET spunbond thermal bonding nonwovens have the characteristics of good uniformity, good dimensional stability, aging resistance, corrosion resistance and high longitudinal strength.

Flow Chart


Application Area

Mainly used for gas and liquid filter material or composite filter material, household textile lining, clothing lining, cable wrapping cloth, packaging materials, simulation plants, wallpaper base cloth, agricultural covering film and so on.

Appointment Consultation

泉州市| 娄烦县| 雷波县| 濉溪县| 页游| 蒲城县| 盐城市| 大安市| 和静县| 城固县| 株洲县| 尚志市| 阳曲县| 潞西市| 九龙城区| 呈贡县| 丰原市| 辽源市| 南宁市| 阆中市| 从江县| 项城市| 肇源县| 台东市| 嘉定区| 藁城市| 齐河县| 阿尔山市| 行唐县| 海宁市| 孟州市| 祥云县| 昂仁县| 天镇县| 大安市| 宁国市| 湖南省| 新河县| 甘南县| 南皮县| 屏东县|