

Hua Yang Information丨"Zeng Shijun Staff Innovation Studio" was named Liaoning Province staff Innovation Studio


On June 14, 2022, Liaoning Federation of Trade Unions carried out a field visit to the staff innovation studio, and our company "Zeng Shijun Staff Innovation Studio" was named as Liaoning Staff Innovation Studio.

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"Zeng Shijun Staff Innovation Studio" was established in June 2018, named after Zeng Shijun, the leader of Dalian Huayang technology innovation team. It is an organization form to carry out technological innovation activities around production and business activities, and it is an effective carrier to further play the role of staff innovation.Studio to carry out innovation activities closely around company development strategy, the innovative spirit as the main line, to carry forward the worker and develop "innovative studio" demonstration, lead and radiation function, in the staff strive to create "everybody for innovation, everybody for advanced" good atmosphere, and continuously popularization advanced idea of innovation, technology and method,It plays an important role in improving the skills and quality of employees, breaking the bottleneck of technological development, accelerating the transformation of technological achievements, and promoting the overall development of the company.


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